Lacul Morii Park





The project aims to bring back urbanity and ecology in the equation, leading to a new environment, hybrid in itself, that celebrates every specificity along the river. New places of intensity emerge, reference points (re)creating the history of the place and braking away from the monotony of the superimposed dike, all the while keeping the quality of its vastness.


The projects is structured by a few carefully selected strategic interventions along the sensitive infrastructure.

The dike was developed as a sharp limit between the city and the river, a clear line oriented against the water with almost no connections to the inhabited city “behind” it. This explains the monotonous character of the nowadays landscape along the dike.

But the dike can become the metaphor of a sinuous line which can link different destinations like the river itself is linking different conditions along it. By creating specific points of interest along the dike line, this linear infrastructure gets a new meaning, evolving into a dynamic link between different crossroads of the neighborhood. We define this intersection/crossroads between the dike and the different streets as “stations”, stop points along the newly developed linear urban facility.

From the very dens part next to Crângași Park to the the neglected upper river Dâmbovița, different stops emerge around the dike in response to the local intensity of the corresponding part of the neighborhood. These stations are equipped following their role in the neighborhood, with amenities, small sport facilities, sitting, immersed in a rich palette of vegetation, watching the lake, getting closer to the it, moving fast by bike or slower by foot, siting together with friends, or alone. The park thus becomes both a destination, as well as an urban connector, weaving together the existing and future urban dynamics.

2022 – ongoing 

Program de lucru

L-V: 8:00-18:00



Cluj-Napoca, str. Constanta nr. 12

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